Lead is a heavy metal that is toxic at low levels. Pb atomic number 82 is its designation on the periodic table. Organic and inorganic compounds of lead are dangerous. Lead is very soft metal that is a poor conductor for electricity. Because it doesn’t corrode easily, it is used to contain metals. It occurs in nature but not usually. It’s found in ores like zinc and silver, but mostly in copper.
Lead was recognized as poisonous from ancient times. In the 20th century, the threat is posed was cause for the paint manufacturers to significantly reduce the lead used in paints. The decrease was made in gasoline and water systems and solders.
Lead Is In More Places Than You Know
Heavy metals refer to those metallic elements with a high density (though not always high), and which are poisonous at fairly low concentrations. Heavy metals are naturally occurring components of the earth which cannot be destroyed or degraded. Also, in small quantities, some of the heavy metals, like zinc and copper, are necessary for healthy functioning of the human body.
Even useful heavy metals can become trapped and reach dangerous levels in the body. These metals trapped in the body’s tissue are not easily removed and relatively low levels can diminish health. Heavy metals stimulate the production of free radicals in the body. Excessive free radical activity has various negative effects on the body.